service overview

Incorporation & dissolution

Formalize, dissolve – navigate legal complexities.

Service Overview

Incorporation is like officially registering your relationship with your business in the eyes of the law, turning it from just your project into its own legal entity, like creating a new citizen. This process gives your business a formal structure, offers personal liability protection, and can provide tax benefits.

However, it's not just filling out a form and calling it a day. There's a maze of paperwork, from choosing the right type of corporation to drafting articles of incorporation and registering with the right government bodies. You'll navigate through layers of red tape, meeting specific legal requirements, and often, waiting through processing times.

Dissolution is the breakup of that relationship; it's when you decide or are forced to officially end the existence of the corporation. It's more than just ceasing operations; it involves legally terminating the corporation's status, settling debts, distributing any remaining assets, and filing specific paperwork to remove the corporation from the official registry.

Just like incorporation, dissolution comes with its own bureaucratic hurdles, including filing final tax returns, obtaining tax clearance certificates, and more paperwork than most would like to deal with. Both processes involve navigating complex legal and financial landscapes, often requiring expert guidance to avoid pitfalls.

CRA Forms and Documentation

Alberta Government Forms:

  1. Articles of Incorporation (Form REG 4001): This form is used to create a new corporation under the Alberta Business Corporations Act.
  1. Notice of Address (Form REG 4002): To declare the initial registered office address and records address.
  1. Notice of Directors (Form REG 4003): To list the initial directors of the corporation.

CRA Forms:

  1. RC1, Request for a Business Number and Certain Program Accounts: Used to apply for a business number (BN) which is needed for various tax accounts including GST/HST, payroll, corporate income tax, and import/export.
  1. T2, Corporation Income Tax Return: Required annually after incorporation.

For Winding Up/Dissolution:

Alberta Government Forms:

  1. Articles of Dissolution (Form REG 4006): Used to formally dissolve a corporation under the Alberta Business Corporations Act.
  1. Notice of Change of Address (Form REG 4004) or Notice of Change of Directors (Form REG 4007): These might be needed if addresses or directors change during the winding-up process before dissolution.

CRA Forms:

  1. RC145, Request to Close Business Number Program Accounts: To close your BN and any related CRA accounts.
  1. T2, Corporation Income Tax Return: Must be filed for the final tax year, including the date of dissolution.

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